8 Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

Not only does salmon boost your metabolism, but it also gives your skin a healthy glow.
Every morning I eat my first toast with a slice of home-marinated salmon!
Berries are high in antioxidants and fiber. Plus, they are a healthy sweet treat. 
My natural yoghurt is often accompanied by a handful of fresh berries (allergic to strawberries though)
 Spinach is high in vitamin B – which not only boosts metabolism but increases muscle function.
Love spinach as a side dish or fresh in a salad. A recipe of salmon with spinach in a crust is following soon...
Eating foods high in protein- like steak- is one of the best ways to increase metabolism.  
Have been mad about meat since early childhood...

Eating hot peppers not only speeds up your metabolism, it also reduces cravings.
I sometimes eat bell peppers instead of fruit. As for the hot peppers, green or red, use them very sparingly in my cooking.
Eating asparagus is known to both increase metabolism and burn fat.
Well, I like asparagus and eat it with no fuss, but frightened to go to the loo afterwards...
 In a recent study overweight women who consumed a breakfast of two eggs a day for eight weeks (at least five days per week) instead of a bagel of equal weight and caloric value lost 65% more weight and — more importantly — had an 83% greater reduction in waist circumference. Info via Sharecare.com
Hard or soft boiled, fried or in an omelette, eggs are one of my favourite dish forever. Have read somewhere they are a beauty secret.
Avocados not only have Omega-3 Fatty Acids but also contain all 9 of the essential amino acids.
Tend to replace potatoes with avocados whenever possible.